Industrial Cathedral

Industrial Cathedral
"Industrial Cathedral" charcoal on paper 131 x 131 cm Jane Bennett. Finalist in 1998 Dobell Drawing Prize Art Gallery of NSW Finalist 1998 Blake Prize Winner 1998 Hunter's Hill Open Art Prize

About Me

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Sydney, NSW, Australia
I'm an Industrial Heritage Artist who paints "en plein air".If it's damaged, derelict, doomed and about to disappear, I'll be there to paint it.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Irons in the Fire - Part 5 'Playing with Fire'

Paintings of the Blacksmiths at Wrought Artworks,
Bay 1/2 Australian Technology Park,
Eveleigh Railway Workshops
oil painting of blacksmith at Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh Railway Workshops by industrial heritage artist Jane Bennett
'Lok forging at Wrought Artworks' 
2010 oil painting on canvas 
36 x 46 cm
Enquiries about similar paintings

It was hard to catch Lok on his own without Dave (who was centre stage in the previous painting) from the viewpoint I had, but worth it -he looks quite heroic! I didn't want to move my position in case I got in the way.
I feel that the movement implied in the pose and the glow cast by the light from the furnace capture the element of danger of this ancient craft.
I've always loved the paintings of Caravaggio,  Georges de La Tour and the 18th century painter of the early days of the Industrial Revolution, Joseph Wright of Derby. As well as his most famous masterpieces about the dawn of the Age of Enlightenment, the 'Orrery' and 'Experiment on a bird in an Airpump', Joseph Wright of Derby had painted a wonderful series of canvases of blacksmiths at the forge.
I stayed in Derby while I was on my Marten Bequest Travelling Art Scholarship, and frequently visited the Derby Art Gallery, where most of Wright's work is displayed.
My paintings of the blacksmiths are painted from life, but also pay tribute to these masters of the effects of light and shadow.

The village smithy (

Irons in the Fire - Part 4 'Strike while the Iron is Hot'

Paintings of the Blacksmiths at Wrought Artworks,
Bay 1/2 Australian Technology Park,
Eveleigh Railway Workshops
'Strike while the iron is hot'  is a very old proverb, and like the phrase 'irons in the fire' comes directly from blacksmithing.
It means when you have an opportunity to do something, do it before you lose your chance.
Plein air painters and blacksmiths both need quick reflexes.
oil painting by industrial heritage artist Jane Bennett of blacksmith forging at Wrought Artworks, Eveleigh Railway Workshops, Australian Technology Park
Forging,Wrought Artworks 
2010 oil on canvas 20 x 25cm

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I grabbed the opportunity and caught a dramatic moment in a small canvas.
I don't know whether the small white hot bit of metal is supposed to be on the floor and is part of the process, or whether it was a bit of accidental run off. We're all wearing safety boots anyway, and it looks spectacular.

Irons in the Fire - Part 3 'Hot'

Paintings of the Blacksmiths at Wrought Artworks,
Bay 1/2 Australian Technology Park,
Eveleigh Railway Workshops

The phrase 'iron in the fire' refers to an undertaking or project in progress. The phrase 'several irons in the fire' refers to a number of jobs or possibilities available at the same time.
A person who has a 'few irons in the fire' has a number of things working to their advantage at the same time. 
All of the above apply to me as well as the blacksmiths I'm painting.
I haven't been rushing between furnace and anvil, while juggling white hot metal, except metaphorically.
I have been painting at many locations recently - 3 separate places within the huge Eveleigh Railway Workshop complex ( the Heritage Store next to Carriageworks, the large Erecting Shop and Wrought Artworks in the Australian Technology Park); the ships moored off Wharf 7 near the Australian National Maritime Museum; the top of the Sydney Ports Corporation Harbour Control Tower; finishing a panorama of Summer Hill from the top of the soon to be renovated Mungo Scott Flour Mills; and most recently, standing out in the pouring rain on the OPT (Overseas Passenger Terminal) at Circular Quay while painting the maiden call of the gigantic luxury cruise ship the 'Queen Elizabeth'.
I could have done with a bit of fire during that last one, as despite wearing a Driza-bone, which I had thought might be overkill for February, I got soaked to the skin and froze.
I've managed to time it this summer so that I am painting a blazing forge in 40C degree heat and ships in the harbour on a chilly grey dawn.
Oil painting of blacksmith's forge painted in the Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh Railway Workshops by industrial heritage artist Jane Bennett
'Hot' 2010 oil on canvas 25 x 20 cm
  Enquiries about this painting

Saturday 26 February 2011

Irons in the fire - Part 2

Painting the Blacksmiths at Wrought Artworks,
Bay 1/2 Eveleigh Railway Workshops
Oil painting of blacksmiths at the forge inthe Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh Railway Workshops painted by industrial heritage artist Jane Bennett
Starting the new canvas
'Chris at the Massey Air Hammer' 2011
unfinished oil painting on canvas 36 x 46 cm

Private Collection : Sydney

Oil painting of blacksmiths at the forge inthe Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh Railway Workshops painted by industrial heritage artist Jane Bennett
Art versus life!
'Chris at the Massey Air Hammer' 2011
 unfinished oil painting on canvas 36 x 46 cm
Private Collection : Sydney

Starting another new canvas - and trying hard not to stand too close to a pair of blokes nonchalantly waving white-hot lumps of metal around. I still haven't painted at the blacksmith's often enough to be absolutely certain as to exactly where I should stand or sit so as not to get in the way!
Oil painting of blacksmiths at the forge inthe Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh Railway Workshops painted by industrial heritage artist Jane Bennett

Almost finished
'Chris at the Massey Air Hammer' 2011
unfinished oil painting on canvas 36 x 46 cm

Private Collection : Sydney

They only stand in these positions for a few moments at a time - but these movements are repeated sequentially over and over again throughout a couple of afternoons. I soon decide on a couple of poses that to me are the most characteristic and dramatic of the sequence.
In this canvas, the taut expression of Chris and the tension shown in the tightness of his forearms and the strained balance of his pose add to the feeling of potential danger, and are a tribute to the level of skill required by their craft.

Oil painting of blacksmiths at the forge inthe Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh Railway Workshops painted by industrial heritage artist Jane Bennett
'Forging at Wrought Artworks'
2010 oil on canvas 36x46cm  

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