Panel Discussion at the Frances Keevil Gallery
Why the hullaballoo about Barangaroo?
Where Art, Architecture, History, Politics and Economics meet
2 – 4pm Sunday March 10
DH248 'The wharves and High St from the Stamford on Kent' 2007 oil on canvas 75 x 100cm |
It's that time of year again.
Galleries and collectors are slowly waking up after their annual summer hibernation. The Art market is as seasonal as fruit-picking.
March is "Art Month".All of the galleries bring out the big guns to impress.
My solo exhibition "From the Hungry Mile to Barangaroo" is the signature event of the Frances Keevil Gallery for Art Month.
Instead of doing the usual artist's talk to accompany the show I thought that I'd try something a bit different.
The trouble with artist's talks is that they probably only really interest other artists.
So what would interest the average Sydney-sider?
How about ludicrous amounts of money, murky politics, waterfront real estate to die for ..... and a little whiff of scandal? Sounds very Sydney to me.
After a great deal of thought, many emails and even more phone calls, I have put together a carefully selected panel for a no holds barred discussion about Barangaroo.
I hope that it will be a balanced yet informative discussion. Some past history and controversy will be aired, but it's an opportunity to discuss some of the many complex issues raised by the Barangaroo development in front of the exhibition of paintings I actually created on the site.
The participants are:
Graham Jahn AM Director City Planning Development and Transport, City of Sydney
Dr Jack Mundey AO legendary activist and 'Grandfather of the Green Bans', who was also a member of the jury that chose the original design for Barangaroo
Philip Thalis principal of Hill Thalis Architecture + Urban Projects, whose design team won the competition to design Barangaroo - yet whose design has not been adopted for the actual construction.
John McInerney
former Councillor of the City of Sydney and now President of "Australians for Sustainable Development". John also actually lives in Millers Point.