Eveleigh Rail Yards Community Consultation Open Day
Saturday 30 October 2010
'Ned Kelly at Eveleigh' an Eveleigh still life
oil painting on canvas 91 x 61 cm
This was an invitation to share the passion for this important part of Sydney’s industrial heritage and be part of an exciting opportunity to shape the Eveleigh Rail Yards Interpretation Plan.
Rail Songs and Films Creative Soundscapes in an old workshop
Heritage Artist at Work
Venue: Innovation Plaza, Australian Technology Park, Locomotive St, Eveleigh 10:00 am-3:30 pm 30 October 2010
You can also download the RWA Eveleigh Interpretation Plan Consultation Invite and pass it on to people who might be interested.
(I was the "Heritage Artist at Work", and also exhibited paintings of various parts of the Eveleigh Rail Yards )

'Blacksmith ,Wrought Artworks'
Bay 1/2 Australian Technology Park,
Eveleigh Railway Workshops
2010 oil on canvas 122 x 152 cm
See my Eveleigh paintings in this blog
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